
Quick New Book Update

I’ve not written as many posts in the last week, as I was powering ahead with writing and also out delivering workshops as well. Which lead to me missing a couple of posting slots. But then yesterday:

A first draft is just the first step – next, after a break to let me forget it a little, comes editing, then sharing with a few people, then the other side of self-publishing (covers, files and so on)… But it’s on the way, and on track for a release before Easter!

Watch this space for more details, and thanks for reading!

Nathan (@DrRyder and @VivaSurvivors)

quick thought

Book 2 Progress

Another short post today (on Monday I was at a KESS Grad School, today I’m not home most of the day with some belated birthday celebrations!), and I just wanted to give a quick update on my next book, which is coming along quite nicely.

While I have procrastinated for a very long time on writing a second book, it seems like all of that thinking time has paid off big dividends in terms of being able to write the damn thing. When I sit down with my goals in front of me, it seems almost easy to get the words out. About a third of the chapters are being reworked from existing material that I have, and the rest I am working from outlines that I created before Christmas. I’m getting between 1500 and 3000 words written per day, so at this rate I’m looking at a first draft being finished around the first week of February.

I’ll print it and leave it alone for a week then – which will no doubt drive me crazy – before beginning the task of editing. I’m using Pressbooks to typeset it in, so the text should look good if nothing else! I’ll have to start thinking seriously about a cover soon – I have a few options in front of me – and all in all, it feels like I am on track to publish by Easter.

Oh, and the working title is still “Frequently Asked Questions About The PhD Viva“!

Thanks for reading!

Nathan (@DrRyder and @VivaSurvivors)


Common Questions about the Viva Round-up

Last post for the week, and another little summary of things that I was doing towards the end of last year. The posts that I wrote based on the common questions I get in Viva Survivor workshops seemed to be really interesting to people (and when I remember to look at what people are viewing from time to time these posts keep on coming up). As I said towards the end of the year, these posts have lead to my next book, which I’m in the process of writing now – hence these recap posts!


A New Book About The PhD Viva!

Since before I started the Viva Survivors Podcast I’ve been delivering viva preparation workshops, and over the last four-and-a-bit years I’ve been asked a lot of questions in a lot of a seminar rooms. Over the last couple of months a regular series of posts on this blog has been about common questions I get asked about the viva. It’s been great to be able to share these, and hopefully they will help those of you that have the viva in your future; it’s been really helpful to me for in a couple of ways too! I’ve had some more writing practise, and it’s helped me think things through for workshops that I have coming up.

But I get asked a LOT of questions, and as I’ve kept records for most of this year I know what keeps coming up again and again. That’s why I’m using these recent posts as a springboard to my second book, which has the working title of “Frequently Asked Questions About The PhD Viva” – which is a very does-what-it-says-on-the-tin sort of name, so we’ll see if that changes. (I like it though!)

So what can you expect from this book?