Last post for the week, and another little summary of things that I was doing towards the end of last year. The posts that I wrote based on the common questions I get in Viva Survivor workshops seemed to be really interesting to people (and when I remember to look at what people are viewing from time to time these posts keep on coming up). As I said towards the end of the year, these posts have lead to my next book, which I’m in the process of writing now – hence these recap posts!
In all I shared ten posts at the end of last year, and each of these will be part of the book (“Frequently Asked Questions about the PhD Viva”), but in a revised and slightly expanded way. There are over twenty-five of these frequently asked questions that will be in the final book, and the ten that I shared on the blog here were:
- Is there a dress code in the viva?
- What if my mind goes blank?
- How do vivas start?
- Does publishing papers before the viva help?
- What if I find mistakes before the viva?
- What are minor corrections?
- What should I know about my examiners?
- What’s the worst question they can ask me?
- Can I make notes?
- How can I avoid nerves?
Did you read any of these? Did any of them help you with how you’re feeling and preparing for the viva? Do let me know – and also get in touch if you have any more questions about the viva! It may be that I have an answer for you, or it may lead to another chapter (or who knows, another book!).
And don’t forget the Viva Survivors Podcast for firsthand accounts of PhD graduates’ research and viva experiences!
Thanks for reading!
Nathan (@DrRyder and @VivaSurvivors)
PS – while you wait for my next book, don’t forget that I have a first book in the Kindle Store!
One reply on “Common Questions about the Viva Round-up”
[…] guest posts, no repeats – a couple of round-ups – but a hundred original posts including this one. I started sharing posts on […]