Another short post today (on Monday I was at a KESS Grad School, today I’m not home most of the day with some belated birthday celebrations!), and I just wanted to give a quick update on my next book, which is coming along quite nicely.
While I have procrastinated for a very long time on writing a second book, it seems like all of that thinking time has paid off big dividends in terms of being able to write the damn thing. When I sit down with my goals in front of me, it seems almost easy to get the words out. About a third of the chapters are being reworked from existing material that I have, and the rest I am working from outlines that I created before Christmas. I’m getting between 1500 and 3000 words written per day, so at this rate I’m looking at a first draft being finished around the first week of February.
I’ll print it and leave it alone for a week then – which will no doubt drive me crazy – before beginning the task of editing. I’m using Pressbooks to typeset it in, so the text should look good if nothing else! I’ll have to start thinking seriously about a cover soon – I have a few options in front of me – and all in all, it feels like I am on track to publish by Easter.
Oh, and the working title is still “Frequently Asked Questions About The PhD Viva“!
Thanks for reading!
Nathan (@DrRyder and @VivaSurvivors)